How to Analyze Competitors on Instagram in 2024

How to Analyze Competitors on Instagram in 2024

If you want to improve your marketing strategy, you need to analyze your competitors on Instagram – it’s as simple as that. Not only will it provide you with great insights on what and when to post, but also which type of content performs best amongst your target audience.

Analyzing other brands on Instagram will help you fine-tune your social media strategy and stay on top of the game. And believe me, it is worth the effort – brands experience 10x higher engagement1 on Instagram than they do on Facebook.

Instagram Competitor Analysis Tool

Instagram Competitor Analysis Tool

Track your competitors on Instagram. Compare multiple Instagram accounts side by side and generate in-depth reports – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

Instagram competitor analysis – why you should do it

Before we get into the how, let’s first discuss the why. There are quite a few strong reasons2 as to why you most definitely should monitor your competitors’ Instagram accounts, so let’s break it all down.

Instagram competitor analysis helps you establish your own KPIs

By analyzing your competitors’ Instagram activity, you put things in perspective – you find out how well your content is doing in comparison to similar brands. Benchmarking your business against a successful company of comparable size and resources will help you set your own business goals on Instagram.

This process of social media benchmarking is crucial in deciding which key performance indicators you wish to pursue. Say you need to know how many posts a week you should publish – just take a look at how often your competitors publish content on Instagram and draw conclusions.

Instagram competitor analysis gives you ideas for content creation

It’s really difficult to stand out with your content on Instagram to promote your product or service. It seems like everything is already there and every brand has squeezed the platform dry. Well, that’s not entirely true. While the social network is indeed oversaturated, a solid strategy still works there. The key is figuring out what kind of content your target audience holds most valuable.

Sure, you can figure it out on your own, but this may turn into a trial and error nightmare consuming countless of your precious hours. Instead, check what kind of content works best for your competitors.

Neal Taparia, the founder of, advises: “If you notice anything peculiar, don’t copy it – take notes and try to apply similar techniques to your own top-notch Instagram content strategy.”

Analyzing competitors’ Instagram accounts is simply cost-effective

Instagram competitor analysis can be a hard task, which is exactly why it’s often outsourced to external agencies for a lofty price. But whether you run a B2B eCommerce store or any other kind of business, you can try and do it yourself. Now, doing it manually could take you days or even weeks.

However, there are some magical social media analytics tools that can do all of the dirty work for you – one of them being our very own NapoleonCat.

Instagram Competitor Analysis Tool

Instagram Competitor Analysis Tool

Track your competitors on Instagram. Compare multiple Instagram accounts side by side and generate in-depth reports – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to analyze competitors on Instagram

With Instagram competitor analysis tools such as NapoleonCat, you can conduct real-time benchmarking within seconds. It works for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

You can analyze other Instagram accounts – create competitor sets, compare multiple Instagram accounts side by side, and extract all the data that you need in the form of charts, tables, or full performance reports.

Furthermore, you can view results for different time periods – days, weeks, months, or even set up completely custom time ranges.

The example below shows a quick summary of the Instagram activity of 4 popular automotive brands. Using comparative sets, you can quickly notice which brands made progress compared to the previous period.

Analyze competitors on Instagram - comparing Instagram profiles
Instagram competitor analysis

You can download specific sets of data (graphs, tables) in an excel sheet, a PNG file, or you can generate a full Instagram report.

Reminder: After you connect your Instagram accounts to NapoleonCat, please wait up to 24 hours for the tool to fully sync your Instagram analytics data.

What content works best on Instagram

As I mentioned before, you can explore the realm of content creation all on your own, but that comes with a price. It’s risky and time-consuming – the trial and error method can go both ways.

In order to get an idea of what content you should create and what resonates with your target audience, you learn how to find competitors on Instagram.

With NapoleonCat, you can quickly notice which of your competitors’ posts generate the highest engagement rate and how they are received in general.

This overview will also help you establish a general theme for your content and decide on the kind of messages you’d like to communicate in your captions.

Analyze competitors on Instagram - posts by engagement rate
Instagram competitor analysis – you can analyze your competitors’ posts on Instagram by the number of comments, likes, and engagement rate.

How to find the best times to post on Instagram

You should try to maximize your organic reach – but how, exactly, can you do that? Well, one crucial factor here is time.

You need to find which days and hours tend to generate the highest reach and engagement rate from your target audience.

And since you and your competitors share the same – or very similar – target groups, you can easily extract this kind of data with NapoleonCat. This way you can maximize your brand’s social networking potential.

Analyze competitors on Instagram - post engagement by days of the week
Instagram competitor analysis – days of the week which generate the highest engagement.

We can observe that Wednesdays seem like pretty good days to post content. However, given that, in general, you should post content every day3, you can simply save Wednesdays for more important and more valuable posts.

You can also check post engagement broken down by hours to find out at what exact times during the day your audience is the most active:

Analyze competitors on Instagram - post engagement by hours
Instagram competitor analysis – Instagram post engagement by hours.

Pro-tip* Don’t get lost in time zones. In the table above we’re set to Europe/London. You can easily change it in the general settings of your NapoleonCat account.

Instagram analytics for other accounts

Instagram analytics for other accounts

Track your competitors on Instagram. Compare multiple Instagram accounts side by side and generate in-depth reports – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How often should you post on Instagram

How much is too much? Should you post every day, a few times a day, or only from time to time?

Again, we can easily find that out with NapoleonCat’s Instagram competitor analysis tool.

We can see who’s got the highest engagement rates and how often they post. As seen in a few visuals above, the data points us to the conclusion that Mercedes and BMW have substantially higher engagement rates than Honda and Audi.

And yes, the first two brands post most often – more than once a day.

Analyze competitors on Instagram - page admin activity daily
Instagram competitor analysis – compare Instagram accounts side by side to find out how often you should post on IG.
Analyze competitors on Instagram - number of posts published daily
Instagram competitor analysis – number of published posts by day

By clicking on the graph, you can even see exactly how many posts your competitors publish daily. 

Which Instagram hashtags should you choose

Hashtags can boost your organic reach even 20x, or more. Choosing the most relevant hashtags that will actually work and boost your Instagram reach can be difficult, which is why NapoleonCat also offers an insight into which hashtags your competitors are using.

Analyze competitors on Instagram - hashtag cloud
Instagram competitor analysis – analyzing Instagram competitors’ hashtags.

We can see that our automotive companies mostly use branded hashtags and those hashtags generate the highest Instagram engagement.

Analyze competitors on Instagram - hashtag analysis
Instagram competitor analysis – hashtag performance.

Create Instagram competitor reports in seconds

Call it a bonus, a big bonus.

To further improve your social media game, NapoleonCat also allows you to generate detailed Instagram competitor reports. The reports include even more in-depth information than you can see inside the Analytics feature.

It takes just a few seconds to create a report, and then you wait around a minute for the report to be generated and ready to download.

Now imagine doing it all by hand – that would be mission impossible.

I even took some time to show you how to generate such a report and how it looks like (to get a full view, make sure the video is set to 1080p and is playing in full-screen mode). Playing a fake voice-over actor was fun 🙂

Instagram competitor analysis is of crucial importance when developing your social media marketing strategy. It helps you figure out the wheres, the whats, the whys, and the whens.

Conducting such analysis requires a lot of time and effort, but thankfully there are powerful tools that make life easier. This is your sign to give NapoleonCat’s free 14 day trial a spin and see for yourself how it will change your social media game 😉

Social Media Inbox - Simplify Instagram Management

Simplify Instagram Business
Management with One Tool

  • Manage & reply to comments and DMs in one place.
  • Monitor ad comments from multiple accounts.
  • Automate answers to repetitive questions.
  • Schedule posts to multiple accounts, on desktop.
  • Analyze performance and monitor hashtags.
  • Keep track of your competition.
  • Create or schedule in-depth reports in seconds.
Try 14-day for free

Instagram competitor analysis – FAQs

How to find competitors on Instagram?

In order to find competitors on Instagram you need to identify who your competition is. There are three types of competition:

  • Direct – competitors who sell the same goods and services as your business
  • Indirect – companies offering alternative goods, services, or items that serve as potential replacements for yours
  • Potential new entrants – competitors who might enter the market in the future

You can spot most of your competitors by frequently checking Instagram’s follow suggestions.

How do you find competitors’ engagement rate on Instagram?

You can use NapoleonCat to quickly find your competitors’ engagement rate on Instagram. You can use in-app analytics dashboards or create convenient PDF reports, too.

These features enable you to quickly notice which of your competitors’ posts have the highest engagement rate, alongside other metrics.

Should I follow competitors on Instagram?

You should definitely follow your competitors on Instagram because it can be beneficial for the future of your business in many ways:

  • It allows you to stay updated on their activities, strategies, and content.
  • Engaging with competitors can open doors for networking within your industry. This can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or shared opportunities that benefit both parties.
  • Analyzing your competitors’ engagement, content quality, and audience interactions can provide valuable benchmarks for your own Instagram presence.

How to calculate the Instagram engagement rate in 2024?

You can calculate Instagram engagement rate in 2024 with the formula below:

Instagram Engagement Rate = (Likes + Comments + Saves) / Reach x 100

You can test NapoleonCat for free here – no credit card required during signup 😉

You may also like:

  1. 50 Incredible Instagram Statistics
  2. 5 Reasons to Analyze Your Competition on Social Media
  3. How Often Should You Post On Instagram?

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Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.