How to Manage Comments on Instagram Ads in 2024

How to Manage Comments on Instagram Ads in 2024

More and more brands promote their businesses on Instagram. The potential reach of advertising on this social platform is over 2 billion users1! Even if you reach 10,000 people, you may start having difficulties with managing comments under your Instagram ads.

Instagram ad comments, also known as Instagram dark posts comments, are a tricky aspect of social media management. The main reason behind that is that it’s hard to get them all in one place and easily respond to them.

Spam, trolls, and negative opinions are all potential threats to your sponsored posts. But sometimes there are just too many comments to handle when your reach or engagement is getting out of hand.

All of those problems can quickly be fixed with NapoleonCat.

How to manage comments on Instagram ads in one place

You may be getting hundreds of comments every day. Replying to all of them will be a challenge since you’ll need to switch between all your different ad campaigns and accounts.

That’s why it’s always good to have everything organized in one place. This is exactly how NapoleonCat’s Social Inbox works.

Social Inbox supports TikTok, Facebook, Facebook Ads, Messenger, Instagram, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google My Business.

The tool allows you to monitor and answer all incoming content that flows through your social media accounts. Having this one stream of Instagram DMs, comments, and other interactions from all your social media profiles in one place is definitely a huge time saver, especially if you have to manage multiple Instagram accounts.

For Instagram, you’ll be able to manage Instagram ads comments from one simple dashboard. Of course, you can manage comments from your organic posts, too.

You can filter your Inbox by time period, Instagram account, user tags, and more.

Manage Instagram Ads - NapoleonCat Inbox
Manage comments on Instagram Ads – NapoleonCat’s Social Inbox

Before we get into the “how”, let’s first talk about why you should manage your Instagram comments in the first place.

Manage your Instagram ads comments - all from one dashboard

Manage your Instagram ads comments – all from one dashboard

Monitor and manage all your Instagram ads comments from one simple view. Never miss a single comment – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

Social customer service is an integral part of the modern customer experience

According to the data provided by HubSpot2, 77% of customers expect to interact with someone immediately when they contact a company. Moreover, 88% of customers say good customer service makes them more likely to purchase again.

Social media, including Instagram, have made it possible for businesses to listen to their customers and reply to comments and messages in real-time – and customers have grown used to speedy responses. This may indeed seem like a challenge.

However, treat it as an opportunity – show your clients that you’re always there for them, always listening. Be their silent guardian, their watchful protector!

Leaving your customers’ issues unattended can lead to a disaster, especially when it comes to social media marketing. On social, word travels fast – comments are usually public and can spread like a virus.

When it comes to Instagram, all it takes for a comment to become more visible is a decent number of likes. The most-liked comments appear first in the comment section of each post.

It’s great if that featured comment is positive. But what if it’s a brutal complaint, a troll, or just spam?

All of the above may pose a real threat to your company’s online reputation – and to the ROI of your paid social campaigns. You need to have a solid response system in place to prevent any of such unfortunate cases from ever happening.

That’s where automated moderation steps in and saves the day.

Manage multiple social media accounts from one place

Manage multiple social media accounts from one place

Deliver timely responses to customers on social media. Manage unlimited TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to set up smart automatic replies for Instagram ads

Auto-moderation, automated messages, automated comments – call it whatever you want. Whatever it is, they don’t have to just be the same automated chatbot message people get every time they engage with an ad – that, after a short while, becomes annoying rather than helpful (and isn’t helpful the whole point?)

Using NapoleonCat’s Auto-moderation feature, you can set up your Instagram ads “chatbot” to answer specific questions and address customer issues in real time. Ad management is also included.

You can set up your replies based on much more sophisticated rules than just “getting a comment” and using specific keywords that you define yourself. There’s no limit to the number of replies or the keywords that you use to trigger your automatic replies on Instagram.

Let’s take a look at how to manage comments on Instagram ads to get rid of spam, offensive comments, and unwanted promotion.

Automatically hide or delete comments on Instagram ads

Auto-moderation can automatically hide or delete comments on organic posts, and it can also do the same for your Instagram ads (and Facebook ads, too). It comes in super handy when you run dozens of Instagram ad campaigns, and you don’t want to promote unanswered customer complaints, spammy comments, or worse, links from your competitors in the comments section along with your ads.

Think of Auto-moderation as a protective shield against spam, inappropriate language, hate speech, competitor pitches, etc.

How to set up Auto-moderation for Instagram ads

Log in to your NapoleonCat account, and you’ll see the vertical menu on the left. The icons there represent the tool’s core features. 

Click on the Auto-moderation icon – it looks like this:

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Auto-moderation in NapoleonCat
Auto-moderation in NapoleonCat menu

Once you’re there, you can do two things:

Click on “Create new rule” – the big yellow button that’s probably the first thing you see on your screen:

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Creating a new Auto-moderation in NapoleonCat
Creating new Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

But we’re not going to do that yet. 

Because right there below it is an Auto-moderation template that’s already pre-setup for you, and that you can customize to fit your needs (for example, add your own keywords.)

Click on “Use this template” to start customizing it and apply it to your ads. 

First of all, name your rule. It’s going to be already named for you, but you can also change the title for your own record. Helpful especially as you keep creating new rules to make it easy to navigate them.

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - renaming Auto-moderation rule
Renaming your Auto-moderation rule

You can also add a note if there’s something important anyone who works with that rule or edits it should know. 

Then, choose your platform to be Instagram Ads instead of just Instagram – you can set up separate rules for your organic content. 

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Choosing profiles and message types in Auto-moderation
Select Instagram Ads to apply the rule to your ad comments

And then, select your profile(s). You can choose to apply the rule for all ads on the profile, or select specific sponsored posts it will apply to. (In fact, you can create different rules for every single Instagram post, if you’d like.) 

Then, select your triggers.

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Choosing triggers Auto-moderation
Defining a tag as an Auto-moderation rule trigger

You can define a user tag – which means the rule will be triggered whenever someone with a given tag comments on your ads. This makes it easy to hide all comments from accounts you know to be “spammers” or “trolls”, for example. You can also tag users in the Social Inbox, and can create your own custom tags, btw.

Don’t select the tag if you want the rule to work for all comments containing the keywords you specify below, no matter who posts them.

There’s already a prefilled list of offensive keywords based on what NapoleonCat customers have been using on their profiles, but you can absolutely add or take away words from this list based on your own experiences and needs. 

This includes words containing specific letter combinations (be mindful when doing that – not to trigger the rule by common words that are not considered in any way offensive or spammy.)

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Defining keywords
Defining keywords for your Auto-moderation rule

You can also turn on the “Advanced mode,” which will allow you to add more word combinations.

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Advanced settings in Auto-moderation
Adding advanced word combinations as your keywords

When you’re done with this part, define what you want to do after the rule is triggered by a comment:

  • Reply in a comment
  • Delete the comment
  • Or hide the comment, which will keep it but nobody besides the author will be able to see it
Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Social media actions in NapoleonCat
The actions you can take after the rule is triggered 

In the next step, you can also select actions happening inside the NapoleonCat’s Inbox, for example, flag the comment internally, add a tag, assign it to a moderator, and more.

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - NapoleonCat actions
NapoleonCat actions you can define for your Auto-moderation rule

If you don’t want any actions to follow inside NapoleonCat, you can just leave this as is.

Then, add an email address to get notified whenever the rule gets triggered:

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Notifications in NapoleonCat
Setting up email notifications for your Auto-moderation rule

And once that’s all set up, schedule the rule:

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - schedule for Auto-moderation rule
Setting up the schedule for your Auto-moderation rule

It can work 24/7 or only on defined days and during certain hours (for example, when nobody’s around to check the comments.)

Then click “Save &run” at the top of the page, and your Instagram ads auto-moderation rule will keep protecting your ads from spam and offensive comments. 

Now, if you clicked that big yellow button at the very beginning, you could set up all those things from scratch – which is a good idea if you want the rule to be doing something else (for example, replying to comments that include keywords like “how much” or “price”).

Protect your Instagram from spam bots

Protect your Instagram from spam bots

Automatically hide or delete comments from Instagram spam bots under your organic posts and ads, for all your IG profiles at once – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to turn off comments on Instagram ads (without people knowing)

Though I don’t recommend turning off comments on any social media platform (it is social media after all, and the comments are what distinguishes it from just regular ads), there might be instances when you want to disable comments for specific posts and ads.

Spoiler alert: You can’t do it on the IG app itself without people knowing – they’ll see when they can’t comment.

You can do it in your post settings:

  1. Go to the post you want to disable comments for.
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the post.
  3. Select “Turn Off Commenting” from the menu that appears.
  4. Confirm that you want to disable comments on that ad.

But you can turn off comments on IG ads with NapoleonCat, and nobody will notice 😉

A clever, more subtle alternative is using Auto-moderation without defining any keywords. You can do that by switching off the Trigger box while creating your rule.

Manage comments on Instagram Ads - Trigger box switched off

That way, any incoming comment will be automatically hidden or deleted. (Hidden is probably a better idea, as you can still unhide it in the Social Inbox if there’s an important comment, like a sales opportunity.) 

You can use this automatic rule for all Instagram ads comments or comments for a specific ad post.

We highly recommend you test NapoleonCat for free – no credit card required 😉

Manage and automate comments on Instagram Ads from one place

Manage and automate comments on Instagram Ads from one place

Monitor Instagram Ads comments from one simple view. Automate comment moderation and save time – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

We also recommend you read some more Instagram tips:

  1. How Many People Use Instagram 2024 [Global Data]
  2. 80 Customer Service Statistics to Know in 2024 (+ State of Service Data)

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Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.