How to Turn Off Comments on Instagram (for all posts at once)

How to Turn Off Comments on Instagram (for all posts at once)

Thanks to a community of over 2.4 billion monthly active users, we can safely say that Instagram is one of the most important social media platforms for businesses. However, managing all the comments you receive isn’t always easy, especially when your follower list is extensive and engagement is high. 

In Instagram’s everyday reality, it is vital to know how to hide or disable comments full of insults, spam, and negative emotions and thus avoid the risk of escalating hate.

Instagram offers a few features that allow you to manage comments more efficiently. In the article below, we will present you with the ones that pertain to disabling comments.

Although the Instagram app created these tools for accounts with many followers and numerous incoming comments, anyone can easily use them to manage their online community. Let’s dive in!

Manage all comments and DMs from multiple accounts in one place

Manage all comments and DMs from multiple accounts in one place

Monitor and manage all your Instagram comments and DMs across multiple profiles – with an all-in-one social media tool. Automate replies to common questions and shield your comment sections from spam and trolls.

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14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to disable comments on Instagram

The application does not allow you to disable all comments and thus prevents commenting on all Instagram posts. So if you want to disable comments on Instagram, you will have to do this manually for each post. That can be done in two ways: 

  1. While publishing a post or 
  2. For an already existing Instagram post

How to turn off comments on an Instagram post while publishing

Below we outline the simple steps you need to follow to disable comments on your post before sharing it with the world.

  • Open Instagram, create a new post, add filters or edit content, then click “Next”
  • Before clicking “Share”, click “Advanced Settings” at the bottom of the screen
  • In the advanced settings, select the “Turn Off Commenting” slider
  • After turning comments off, click “Share”, and it’s done!

For this particular post, commenting has been effectively disabled:

How to turn off comments on your Instagram post while publishing
How to turn off comments on Instagram while publishing

How to turn off comments on Instagram for an already published post

If you’re having trouble with comments on a photo or video you’ve already posted and shared online, don’t worry. You can also disable comments on existing posts. Here’s how:

  • Open Instagram and go to the post for which you want to disable comments
  • Tap the drop-down menu symbol in the upper right corner (three horizontal dots)
  • Select “Turn off commenting” from the menu that appears on the screen

After deactivating comments for a given post, you can always go back to the menu and enable commenting again.

How to disable comments on Instagram - How to turn off comments for an already published Instagram post
How to turn off comments for an already published Instagram post

How to turn off comments on Instagram for all posts at once

The only way to disable all comments on Instagram at once is to use an external tool like NapoleonCat.

With NapoleonCat’s Auto-moderation feature, you can automatically delete any incoming comments on Instagram. So, any incoming comment will be instantly deleted (or hidden, whichever you prefer). It works for organic posts and IG ads, too 😉

Setting it up takes under a minute, so bear with us.

Start your free 14-day trial and connect your IG accounts (no credit card required during signup).

Click on the Auto-moderation icon from the menu on the left:

Auto-moderation icon

Click on Create new rule:

create new auto-moderation rule
  • Name your rule
  • Choose the Instagram account you want it to work for
  • Choose Organic comments as the message type
  • Select Delete as the automatic reaction
  • Type your email to receive notifications each time the automatic rule deletes a comment.
  • Schedule your rule to work

Here’s how this looks in the tool:

How to turn off all comments on Instagram using NapoleonCat.

That’s it! The key here is to leave the box for keywords empty so that ANY incoming Instagram comment will be instantly deleted. You can use this feature for both organic comments and ad comments, too.

If you’d like to know how Auto-moderation can help you deal with inappropriate and spammy comments on Instagram, check out this video to see it in action.

Automatically delete Instagram comments on organic posts & ads

Automatically delete Instagram comments on organic posts & ads

Automatically hide or delete spammy comments based on keywords. Or automatically delete all comments – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to block comments on Instagram containing offensive comments

Instagram has various tools to combat messages and comments full of hate. Unfortunately, not many people know about them. The social network offers a keyword filtering system that automatically blocks any comments that may contain words that are considered incorrect or offensive. 

By default, the tool has a predefined list of prohibited words. If someone posts a comment on your profile containing one of these phrases, the application will automatically delete it. Usually, this option is enabled by default. However, you can also manage it.

  • Go to your profile
  • Tap the settings wheel that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen
  • In the privacy settings, select “Comments”
  • Tick the slider button to activate the option “Hide Offensive Comments”
How to block comments on Instagram containing offensive comments
How to block comments on Instagram containing offensive comments

How to hide comments on Instagram that contain offensive content

It is also possible to face a situation where offensive comments containing words or phrases that the application did not include in its filter will appear on your profile. 

In this case, Instagram allows users to indicate specific keywords, the appearance of which will automatically delete the comment. You can activate this feature very quickly:

  • Go to your profile
  • Tap the settings wheel that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen
  • Go to comment settings
  • Activate “Manual filter”
  • Add the words you want to block in the “Custom Keywords” section

Upon activation, Instagram will block words that you have identified as offensive. You can change or supplement this list at any time with new terms that will affect the visibility of comments under the posts.

How to disable comments on Instagram automatically
How to hide comments on Instagram that contain offensive content

If you’d like to use a similar yet more advanced feature of this kind, check out NapoleonCat’s Auto-moderation. It works for organic posts and Instagram ads as well. But more on that later.

Protect your Instagram from spam & hate

Protect your Instagram from spam & hate

Automatically hide or delete offensive comments, hate speech, and spam under your organic posts and ads – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to turn off comments on Instagram Live

The essence of live streaming lies in maintaining contact with users who, during the broadcast, can send comments that are published live to other participants. 

However, sometimes, you may wish to disable comments on this live feed for various reasons. So if you would like to turn the commenting option during Instagram live off, you should follow these steps:

  • After opening Instagram and logging into your account, tap the camera icon in the upper left corner
  • At the bottom of the screen, slide your finger between the camera options (Normal, Create, Boomerang, etc.) until you find “Live” 
  • Make sure the Live option is centered under the circular capture button
  • Press the circular capture button to start your live broadcast
  • At the bottom of the screen, tap the three vertical dots next to the comment field
  • Select “Turn-off Commenting”

Once you disable comments, people who view your Instagram live will not be able to post comments, but neither will you be able to see them.

How to turn off comments on Instagram live
How to turn off comments on Instagram live

Can you turn off comments on Instagram live as a viewer?

As a viewer, it may not be very convenient to see another user’s Instagram live with comments popping up all over the place. Unfortunately, viewers cannot turn off commenting on Instagram live, but until recently, every viewer could hide comments that appeared on their screen. There is a solution for this, but the process of hiding comments has become much more complicated:

  • Install IG Stories for Instagram extension in Chrome
  • Log in to Instagram with your username and password
  • Click the video you want to watch. A new tab will open
  • Click “Hide Comments” at the top right of the screen

How to hide comments on Instagram using NapoleonCat

What if you receive inappropriate or embarrassing comments on Instagram? How do you deal with that quietly?

With NapoleonCat, you can hide comments on Instagram with just one click – across multiple IG accounts in one view.

The hidden comment will only be visible to the person who posted it. Essentially, no one will notice that any comments have been hidden.

The Social Inbox is a simple dashboard where you can manage all of your comments and messages from Instagram, even from multiple accounts – all in one customizable dashboard. Hiding comments on Instagram merely requires a click:

How to hide comments on Instagram with NapoleonCat

How about automating comment moderation on Instagram?

With NapoleonCat’s Auto-moderation feature, you can make your life easier and automatically hide or delete comments based on specific keywords that you define. The feature works both for organic posts and Instagram ads as well.

So, you can use Auto-moderation to create various “rules”, and each rule is responsible for a different automatic reaction on your Instagram profile.

You simply need to name your rule, choose the Instagram account you want it to work for, choose the trigger (e.g., organic comments), and define the keywords that will trigger the rule.

After that, you only need to select the action that the rule will take, e.g., hiding comments. Alternatively, you can set the rule to delete comments or automatically reply to them (you can set multiple reply templates).

Here’s a video tutorial that we made on how to automatically hide/delete offensive comments on Instagram:

Creating an Auto-moderation rule is really simple and will only take you a few moments. And you can create as many rules as you’d like!

Once a rule is triggered, you will get an automatic email notification with the link to the post it worked for.

Using this protective shield against spam, hate speech, and inappropriate comments will keep your comments section clean – the rules are triggered instantly.

The next step is yours – start your free 2-week trial and see how much time you can save with NapoleonCat. No credit card required during signup 😉

Kathleen Belleza
The customer service team is really happy that it is so easy to navigate, easy to find and respond to comments, and you can easily hide comments when necessary.
Kathleen Belleza
Social Media & Design, VPA Australia

Disabling comments on Instagram – FAQs

Can I disable comments for all my Instagram posts?

Unfortunately, you cannot automatically disable all comments using the Instagram app. You can turn off comments on individual posts. However, with NapoleonCat, you can automatically delete any incoming comments on Instagram – which works very similarly to disabling comments altogether.

How can I disable comments on Instagram? 

You can disable comments on individual posts while publishing by going to the advanced settings section or after publishing a post by clicking on the drop-down menu symbol and selecting “Turn-off commenting”.

Is it possible to turn off comments while watching someone’s Instagram live on the phone?

This feature has been disabled. Currently, you can only disable comments when watching the broadcast on your computer using the Chrome browser after installing the IG Stories for an Instagram extension.

What comment control can I apply to deal with offensive comments?

You can enable automatic filtering of offensive phrases by launching the “Hide offensive comments” option. You can also turn on the “Manual Filter” option, thanks to which you will be able to add keywords that will automatically eliminate comments containing a given phrase. For more advanced filtering options, check out NapoleonCat’s Auto-moderation.

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Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.