LinkedIn Analytics – The Ultimate Guide for 2024

LinkedIn Analytics – The Ultimate Guide for 2024

Not sure what to post on LinkedIn to make it a truly effective channel for your brand? Check your LinkedIn analytics first – and then make it a habit to check your numbers on a regular basis. Making decisions and creating content will become much more straightforward. Here’s how to do it.

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from one place

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from one place

Manage all your LinkedIn comments and conversations from one view. Schedule LinkedIn posts and get in-depth analytics reports to improve your strategy – with an all-in-one social media tool.

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14-day trial period. No credit card required.

Why is LinkedIn analytics important for your business?

Let’s turn this question around: if you don’t care for your LinkedIn analytics, here’s what you won’t get.

  • You won’t know if the content you’re currently posting works at all and brings any benefits to your business. (And these benefits range from brand awareness and thought leadership to lead generation, sales, and revenue.)
  • You won’t know what to post and what type of content resonates with your audience. (Which means you can’t save time having a clear social media strategy that you now execute and knowing your audience, your goals, and KPIs. And if you don’t care for your analytics, you probably don’t have a strategy in the first place, am I right? 👀)
  • You won’t know who your audience actually is on LinkedIn (or who you want it to be and how to attract the right audience.) This, in turn, makes all your efforts pretty much pointless. Because what’s the point of creating content if it’s not reaching the people who could take action because of it? (Like, for example, buy your products or services.)
  • You won’t know when your audience interacts with your content (hence, when to post your content on LinkedIn to increase the chances of your content actually being seen. Because: the competition is huge, and that’s an understatement. So timing’s crucial to get in front of the right eyeballs.)
  • You won’t know if people click your links to go to your website or promo page – hence, you won’t really know if LinkedIn is working to drive traffic for your business. 
  • And so on and so forth. You get where I’m going with this.

What you will get is the proverbial throwing of spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks, also known as “hoping to go viral.” Yes, we’re keeping our fingers crossed. But we both know that this is no strategy at all. (Even if you actually like spaghetti ;))

But if you get into the habit of checking your LinkedIn analytics at regular intervals, you’ll be able to collect all that information and draw conclusions. 

And based on that, do things like:
  • Create better, more relevant content. The kind your audience wants to see.
  • Post it at a time when it’s more likely for your audience to engage with it.
  • Drive more traffic to your website or landing pages.
  • Generate more leads for your business.
  • And, ultimately, sell more of your products or services.

So, yeah, the outcome is definitely worth the effort – and the effort is not that high to begin with. So, let’s take a look at what it actually takes to track LinkedIn analytics.

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from one place

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from one place

Manage all your LinkedIn comments and conversations from one view. Schedule LinkedIn posts and get in-depth analytics reports to improve your strategy – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to view LinkedIn analytics

For viewing your LinkedIn analytics, you have a couple of options. The first one is LinkedIn’s native analytics tool you get in the platform, accessible for all page admins. Let’s take a look at it first.

You can access LinkedIn analytics on your LinkedIn Company Page in the left-hand menu:

LinkedIn Analytics - how to view linkedin analytics
LinkedIn analytics – LinkedIn’s native analytics

Click on it, and you’ll have access to all the numbers in your LinkedIn dashboard over time, including the sections described in more detail below: 


The content tab gives you the following metrics on a timeline:

  • Impressions
  • Unique impressions
  • Number of clicks
  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Reposts
  • Engagement rate
LinkedIn Analytics - tools for your content
LinkedIn analytics tools for your content

You can also select organic and sponsored content to see the results, and you’ll see content engagement for individual posts, too, updated in real time.


The Visitors tab gives you information about the number of page views and the number of unique visitors, on desktop and mobile. (Page views are the total number of times people have visited your LinkedIn Company Page, while unique visitors imply the number of actual LinkedIn accounts who have viewed it, no matter how many times.)

You can also differentiate between the different pages of your LinkedIn Company Page, which includes:

  • Home
  • About
  • Insights
  • People

LinkedIn will also show you your visitor demographic details, including:

  • Job function
  • Company size
  • Industry
  • Location
  • Seniority

This gives you a pretty good insight into who’s looking up your Company Page – potentially interested in what you have to offer. 

LinkedIn Analytics - visitor demographics
LinkedIn analytics – your LinkedIn Company Page visitor statistics 


The LinkedIn analytics tool also gives you a rundown of all your followers, including whether they came from organic sources or sponsored content on LinkedIn.

In this tab, you can also see who they actually are (both people and Company Pages) and their demographic data, including the same data you can check for your page visitors. 

LinkedIn Analytics - follower demographics
LinkedIn analytics – follower demographics


The leads tab will show you data associated with your LinkedIn lead gen forms if you’re currently using them. Lead gen forms let you collect leads on your LinkedIn Company Page, and this tab will show you all the results and will also let you download your leads information.

LinkedIn Analytics - creating a lead gen
LinkedIn analytics – creating a lead gen form on LinkedIn

Depending on the fields in your lead gen form, you can collect data including:

  • Contact details
  • Work
  • Company
  • Education
  • Demographics

You can also add custom questions to your lead forms and custom checkboxes if you want specific questions answered for a more tailored approach to your leads.


The native LinkedIn analytics tool also lets you track benchmarks for your LinkedIn marketing strategy. You can add pages of your competitors (up to 9 pages total) and then track how you compare in terms of LinkedIn metrics like:

  • Follower growth
  • Content engagement 
  • Trending posts

You can export most of the data from your LinkedIn analytics into .XLS or .CSV files, selecting a time range you want to focus on. You have to export the data separately from the different tabs, though.

Employee advocacy

If you have people whose LinkedIn accounts are connected to your Company Page as employees, you’ll also see their activity related to your page, a.k.a. your LinkedIn employee advocacy metrics. These include:

  • Recommendations
  • Posts from recommendations
  • Reactions to your page posts
  • Comments to your page posts
  • Reposts by employees

This tab will be especially useful for analyzing your employer branding goals and motivating your employees to help spread the word on LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn analytics tool

If you want to keep your LinkedIn analytics in an overall social media analytics tool, where you can also track engagement on other platforms like Facebook or Instagram, along with your competitors on these platforms, you can use a third-party tool like NapoleonCat.

Here’s how that works.

NapoleonCat tool offers both in-app analytics dashboards and LinkedIn reports. When it comes to LinkedIn analytics, you can track LinkedIn metrics like: 

  • Content performance metrics, including individual post statistics
  • What days and hours generate the highest engagement for your content
  • Where your page impressions come from (including organic and sponsored content)
  • Follower growth and demographics
  • You can also monitor your page mentions in the tool.

Here’s how that works in more detail.

When you go to your NapoleonCat analytics tab and select your LinkedIn Company Page, here’s what you’ll see:

LinkedIn Analytics - napoleoncat linkedin analytics
LinkedIn analytics – NapoleonCat’s LinkedIn analytics dashboard


Your analytics highlights with metrics to track, like daily followers and average engagement rate.


In the Followers tab, you’ll see the metrics related to your LinkedIn Company Page followers, including:

  • New organic followers
  • New paid followers
  • Daily change in followers
LinkedIn Analytics - followers daily
LinkedIn analytics – followers growth


In this section, you’ll find data related to your LinkedIn Company Page visits:

  • Page impressions in a selected time period
  • Lifetime paid impressions (including on a world map)
  • Page mentions with a daily breakdown
LinkedIn Analytics - impressions world map
LinkedIn analytics – impressions world map


Now, this is where all the fun starts, right? The Engagement tab will show you your engagement metrics on LinkedIn:

  • Total number of reactions on all posts in a selected time window
  • Total number of comments
  • Total number of shares of your page posts
  • Total number of link clicks
  • And total number of interactions (so the above four, all together)
  • Your Engagement Rate 
  • And your LinkedIn Engagement Rate, calculated as (Clicks + Likes + Comments + Shares + Follows) / Impressions.
  • You can also see the numbers broken down daily/weekly/monthly, and within a selected time period.
LinkedIn Analytics - daily interactions
LinkedIn analytics – engagement metrics on LinkedIn

Content, a.k.a. Linkedin post analytics

In the Content tab, you’ll see all that’s related to your content performance on LinkedIn. This is the place to look for:

  • Post engagement by day of the week and by hour, a.k.a. your best day and time to post on LinkedIn
  • All the interactions on your posts, including Engagement Rate and LinkedIn Engagement Rate
LinkedIn Analytics - post engagement by hours
LinkedIn analytics – analyzing the best times to post on LinkedIn

Bonus: Schedule LinkedIn analytics reports

In NapoleonCat, you can export all of the data I mentioned above – either to an .XLS file for your reports or as a .PNG file (super handy if you want to include some impressive graphs in your slide decks for your client or your CMO.)

But NapoleonCat also has the option to create and schedule automated reports. You can set them up to be completed and sent:

  • weekly
  • monthly
  • quarterly.

If you set them up once, they’ll get created automatically and emailed to the people who need to see them. 

You can also generate reports for other social media platforms – Facebook and Instagram.

And the process is straightforward as well:

  1. Go to the Reports section and click on “Create new report”
LinkedIn Analytics - creating a report in napoleoncat
Creating a new report in NapoleonCat
  1. Select the time range.
  2. Add your logo (or your client’s logo). You can also remove NapoleonCat’s branding.
  3. Select the LinkedIn page to include in the report.
  4. Then choose the metrics you want to be included in the report (by default, all metrics are selected): 
  • KPIs
  • Follower growth
  • Page mentions
  • Page impressions
  • Page impressions by country
  • Interactions
  • Post views
  • Engagement Rate daily
  • LinkedIn Engagement Rate
  • List of all posts published within a time period
  1. Then click “Generate” and wait for the report to be created.

From there, you can also schedule the report to be sent in selected intervals, with fresh data added every time.

To do it, add email addresses to send the report to and select the interval: 

LinkedIn Analytics - schedule report
Scheduling a new report in NapoleonCat

So, when the time comes to create and send your next report (for example, for the last quarter), you don’t have to do anything. Once set up, the report will keep getting updated with data and renewed.

We also made this short video tutorial that shows you how easy it is to schedule LinkedIn analytics reports with NapoleonCat:

This is good news to all social media managers out there who “can’t wait” to create the next LinkedIn performance report. And then the next one. And the next one. You know what I mean. 🙂 

Along with all the other LinkedIn management tools that include:

  • scheduling LinkedIn content
  • and moderating comments on LinkedIn Company Pages

Plus doing the same for your other social media accounts, it’s a great opportunity to save quite a bit of time in your everyday work. (And you can also create a report for more social media profiles at once.)

And who wouldn’t want that??!!

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from one place

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from one place

Manage all your LinkedIn comments and conversations from one view. Schedule LinkedIn posts and get in-depth analytics reports to improve your strategy – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

We highly recommend you test NapoleonCat for free here – no credit card required during signup 😉

Got my LinkedIn analytics and my reports sorted. Now what?

When you have the numbers, you have so much more grounds for making decisions and also convincing your client or boss about what content to create, when to post, how often to post, etc. 

(That’s, obviously, besides showing off the numbers and feeling good about yourself. 😀)

Which takes us back to where this post started and how the fact that you track LinkedIn analytics gives you an advantage, letting you post better, more relevant content on your LinkedIn account and attract the right audience who’s actually interested in what you have to say.

Which is the whole point of running social media profiles for brands in the first place. Right?

So get your eyes on those numbers and use them to improve not just your bottom line, but your audience’s experience with your brand on LinkedIn, too.

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