
12 September 2024

Publisher Update! Introducing Mention Tagging for Scheduled Posts

We’re excited to announce a new feature in NapoleonCat’s Publisher that many of you have been waiting for! Mention tagging in scheduled posts. Ever wonder how some Instagram or Facebook posts seem to generate more interaction? A big part of the secret lies in the power of mentions. And now, you can harness that same potential when scheduling your content.

Mention tagging in Publisher

With NapoleonCat’s updated Publisher, you can seamlessly schedule posts and tag relevant people or businesses, ensuring your content reaches the right audience.

By tagging someone, you’re not just grabbing attention; you’re also showing appreciation for their work or input. It’s a simple yet powerful way to build stronger bonds within your network. Our latest update lets you maintain this important social dynamic while automating your content scheduling across multiple platforms.

Mention tagging in Publisher graphic 2

Visit the Publisher and start tagging today!