How to Access Your YouTube Comment History in 2025

How to Access Your YouTube Comment History in 2025

If you’re growing a brand on YouTube, chances are you’ve been posting a lot of comments on the video-sharing platform. 

And why not? By interacting with users in conversations where your brand can be of service, you’re taking the right steps to build an engaged audience.

That said, the day will come when you’ll need to review your past YouTube comments. Should you delete a YouTube comment that you’ve decided could be misleading? Or do you need to clarify a statement you’ve made in the past? Are there any conversations you forgot to address?

But keeping track of past YouTube comments isn’t easy — especially when you’ve already published dozens or hundreds of comments across multiple YouTube channels and videos.

Thankfully, using the YouTube comments History page helps.

Need some guidance using it? We’ll tell you all you need to know.

We’ll cover:

Manage YouTube comments from multiple channels in one place

Manage YouTube comments from multiple channels in one place

Organize your YouTube comments from multiple channels – with an all-in-one social media tool.

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14-day trial period. No credit card required.

Why you need to check your YouTube comment history

If you want your social media strategy to hit your KPIs and maximize your ROI, keeping tabs on your YouTube comment history comes with the territory. 

Let’s explore the reasons why.

To manage your brand’s reputation

Your brand’s reputation precedes you. When people see your brand, what do you think they are saying? What are they thinking?

What you say in the comments says as much about you as what you’re doing as a brand. That said, behind every brand is a living, breathing human that speaks out of turn from time to time. That’s fine! What you do in response is what matters.

By regularly monitoring YouTube comment history, you can address any potentially harmful, misleading, or off-brand comments you’ve made in the past.

Just like that, you can take a more proactive approach to curating your YouTube comments. This can help you build and maintain a brand reputation worthy of your audience’s trust.

To drum up more engagement

Do you want your audience to care about your brand? Then answer questions promptly. Share your thoughts and feedback. Help out or give advice when you can. Say hi. It matters to them. What’s more, the YouTube algorithm will reward you for it. 

However, it’s hard to keep track of every conversation when you’re a busy YouTuber. When you forget to respond or follow up, that will reflect poorly on your brand. 

To make sure you don’t leave them hanging, keep checking your YouTube comments history and give unresolved conversations the closure they deserve. Your audience will love you for it. 

To ensure your brand’s voice and messaging is consistent

With 2.5 billion active users, YouTube is an overcrowded platform. If you want to stand out in the crowd, you must be easy to recognize. 

And nothing makes you more recognizable than being consistent in your brand communications, including your YouTube comments.

Because when your YouTube comments read like they’re written by three or four different people, you’re just contributing to the noise. You’re making your brand forgettable.

So, the next time you check your YouTube comments history, make sure they read like they’re written by one person. Remember to define your brand’s voice and tone so each YouTube comment you publish represents your brand in a memorable and impactful way.

To stay informed about audience sentiment

If you want your YouTube content to resonate with your audience, you have to understand them on a deeper level. 

If you’re interacting with your audience on a regular basis, you’re already doing a terrific job. But to truly understand their pain points, and aspirations, you have to analyze every interaction they have with your brand. 

Your YouTube comment history serves as a valuable resource for gauging how your audience perceives your content, what resonates with them, and areas where improvements may be needed.

By regularly reviewing your YouTube comment history, you can identify recurring themes, concerns, or praises expressed by your audience. This insight enables you to make informed decisions about future content creation.

Manage YouTube comments from multiple channels in one place

Manage YouTube comments from multiple channels in one place

Organize your YouTube comments from multiple channels – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Try NapoleonCat for free

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

How to see your YouTube comment history

Well, you can go about this in two ways.

How to check YouTube comment history via desktop

To access your YouTube comment history using your desktop PC, follow these steps.

Step 1: Once you’re on the YouTube homepage, look for the three-dashes icon located on the upper left portion of the page (some call it the hamburger menu).

Step 2: You’ll see a submenu pop up under the three dashes icon. Under the You section, click on History (the option with the clock icon). This will take you to the Watch history page.

YouTube Comment History - accessing youtube comment history via desktop

Step 3: On the right side of the page, there’s another menu. Under Manage all history, click on Comments.

YouTube Comment History - managing comment history

Step 4: You’ll be redirected to the Your YouTube Comments page showing a collection of all comments you’ve posted on YouTube. 

YouTube Comment History - your youtube comments

Comments are arranged from top to bottom based on their recency. Looking for a comment you posted years ago? You have to keep scrolling until you find it.

Each YouTube comment displays the posting date, the comment itself, the video title, and the posting time. Additionally, a thumbnail of the video is shown on the right side.

(Sidebar: You can also edit or delete YouTube comments from this page. If you wish to edit a YouTube comment, load the video and then edit the comment once you spot it in the comment section.)

And you’re done!

How to check YouTube comment history via mobile

Step 1: After launching the YouTube app, tap on your profile icon located at the bottom right corner.

Step 2: Next, click on the Settings option by clicking on the gear icon located at the top right corner.

Step 3: In the left-hand menu, select Manage all history. 

A small pop-up will appear, asking you to choose the Gmail account associated with your YouTube profile.

Step 4: You are now on the YouTube History page. Proceed by clicking on the Interactions tab.

Step 5: Under the Video interactions section, select Comments & replies.

YouTube Comment History - comments and replies section

Step 6: You’ll be directed to the Your YouTube Comments page. Again, this shows all your YouTube comments and is organized from most recent to oldest.

YouTube Comment History - your youtube comments section

Since we’re on the subject — here’s how to manage YouTube comments

Now that you know how to access your YouTube comment history, you have the keys you need to run a YouTube marketing campaign that builds and reinforces a meaningful relationship with your target audience. 

But you have to admit: having to scroll through so many YouTube comments to find a comment you made eight months ago is like finding sanity in a comment thread of a political post. What more if you’re managing YouTube comments for multiple channels?

This is where YouTube management tools for businesses like NapoleonCat can help.

With NapoleonCat, you can:

  • Track, reply to, hide, or delete YouTube comments from multiple channels in one place.
  • Filter conversations by account, time frame, user tag, etc., for more efficient YouTube comment management.
  • Turn YouTube comments into customer service tickets so no customer query or issue falls through the cracks.
  • Translate comments and replies from international audiences automatically.

And it gets better. NapoleonCat lets you do all of the above with all your social media profiles across different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Google My Business. It’s the Swiss Army knife every social media manager wanted.

We highly recommend you test NapoleonCat for free – no credit card required 😉

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Wrap up

Knowing how to access your YouTube comments is the easy part. If you want to build an engaged community that will support your brand for the long haul, you need to keep engaging with them in ways that reinforce your brand’s vision, mission, and values. 

That’s not always easy. As already mentioned, it’s difficult to stand out in a crowded room. But with a social media strategy driven by focus, intention, and authenticity, you’re giving yourself a much better chance of being seen.

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