Social media users in Singapore

Social media users in Singapore

Wonder how many Facebook & Instagram & Messenger users there are in Singapore? Well, we used our free browser to deliver you the exact statistics for 2023. Remember that you can always use our free tool to get user statistics for any given country in the world 🙂

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Facebook users in Singapore

fb users in singapore may 2023

There were 5 210 100 Facebook users in Singapore in May 2023, which accounted for 82.5% of its entire population.

  • The majority of them were women – 51.7%.
  • People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (1 644 100).
  • The highest difference between men and women occurs within people aged 18 to 24, where women lead by 366 800.

Instagram users in Singapore

ig users in singapore may 2023

There were 3 293 700 Instagram users in Singapore in May 2023, which accounted for 52.2% of its entire population.

  • The majority of them were women – 55.9%.
  • People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (1 146 500).
  • The highest difference between men and women occurs within people aged 18 to 24, where women lead by 312 300.

Messenger users in Singapore

messenger users in singapore may 2023

There were 3 571 200 Messenger users in Singapore in May 2023, which accounted for 56.6% of its entire population.

  • The majority of them were men – 51.4%.
  • People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (1 111 200).
  • The highest difference between men and women occurs within people aged 25 to 34, where men lead by 596 900.

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