
On TikTok, the terms “Mutuals” or “Moots” refer to users who follow each other and share a mutual interest or connection. 

It’s a way of describing a friendly online relationship where both users follow and interact with each other’s content.

When someone refers to their “Mutuals” or “Moots” on TikTok, they are talking about the people they follow and who also follow them back. It’s like a virtual circle of friends or acquaintances within the TikTok community. These mutual connections often have similar interests, engage with each other’s videos, and may even collaborate on content.

Using “Mutuals” or “Moots” is a way of acknowledging and appreciating the online connections and interactions that users have with each other. It reflects the social aspect of TikTok, where users build relationships and a sense of community through shared interests and content engagement.

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