LinkedIn character count

On LinkedIn, the character limits vary depending on the specific section or type of content:

1. LinkedIn Posts: The character limit for a LinkedIn post is 3,000 characters. This includes spaces and punctuation. You can use this space to share updates, articles, insights, or any other content you want to communicate with your network.

2. LinkedIn Headline: The character limit for your LinkedIn headline is 220 characters for desktop and 240 for mobile. This is the short description that appears below your name on your LinkedIn profile and is visible to other users when they see your activity or search results.

3. LinkedIn Summary: The character limit for your LinkedIn summary is 2,600 characters. This section allows you to provide a brief overview of your professional background, skills, expertise, and career objectives.

4. LinkedIn Company Page Updates: The character limit for updates on a LinkedIn Company Page is 700 characters. This includes spaces and punctuation. Company updates can be used to share news, announcements, job postings, or other relevant information.

5. LinkedIn Recommendations: When writing a recommendation for someone on LinkedIn, you have a recommended character count of 3,000 to provide a detailed and personalized testimonial of the person’s skills and expertise.

It’s important to note that LinkedIn may periodically update its platform and features, so these character limits are subject to change. It’s always a good idea to check the LinkedIn interface for the most up-to-date information.

When creating content on LinkedIn, be mindful of the character limits to ensure your message is concise, clear, and effectively conveys your professional information, updates, or recommendations.

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