While the Great Firewall does seem like a huge obstacle to overcome, does it really stop everyone in China from using social media? We used our free user statistics browser to compare some data from China and also Hong Kong from the last 8 months.
Facebook users in China
As you can see above, the number of Facebook users plummeted since September last year. 1 745 900 Chinese people left Facebook, leaving the platform with 1 478 100 users in April 2019. This means that right now, only 0.1% of China’s population is using Facebook.
Instagram users in China
898 600 Chinese users left Instagram in the last 8 months. What’s interesting is that, contrary to our observations in other countries, more Chinese people use Instagram than Facebook – 0.2% of its entire population.
Messenger users in China
There was a 133 500 decrease in the number of Messenger users. 725 100 (0.05% of the population) of the Chinese people were on Messenger in April 2019. We can observe a downward trend, although it’s not as big as in the case of our previous social media platforms.
Facebook users in Hong Kong
There is no Great Firewall in Hong-Kong, and it shows – 4 595 000 Hongkongers (yes, that’s how they’re called) used Facebook in April 2019. The fun part is that this number accounts for the staggering 61.2% of the population. Yet again, I sense a great challenge in finding a country where the number of Facebook users has actually increased in the last few months.
Instagram users in Hong Kong
29.2% of Hong Kong’s population used Instagram in April 2019. However, nearly 0.5 million users quit this social network in the last 8 months.
Messenger users in Hong Kong
32.7% of all the Hongkongers were on Messenger in April 2019. More than 0.5 million people left this social media platform since September 2018.
For more social media stats, visit our FREE BROWSER.
We recently launched the stats archive, so now you can also access data from previous months 🙂