Social Inbox
Track and reply to messages, reviews, and comments (including on your Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok ads) in one dashboard. And save time going back and forth between customer service, marketing, and your audience waiting to hear from you.
You’re growing (that’s great!) – and so is the number of interactions with your audience on social media. Get on top of them by automating some of your customer communication. You’ll free your team’s time and provide a better customer experience, too.
Social CRM
Create user profiles for people who contacted you on social media. Use internal notes, conversation history, personal contact information to make each interaction truly unique and relevant.
Automate approving, scheduling, and publishing your social media content across different accounts and platforms. Use our AI assistant to instantly create engaging post captions. Map it all out in a shared, color-coded calendar and keep everyone in the team on the same page with just a quick look.
Want to know if social media really moves the needle for your business? Monitor your content’s performance and analyze your competitors’ channels. Use your insights to align your strategy with your goals, whether they’re engaging more people, improving response rates, or selling more products.
Don’t worry about transferring all that data into Excel sheets or designing fancy PDFs. Schedule regular automated reports (you can customize and brand them first) and get them emailed straight to your boss, your client, and whoever else needs them (including yourself.)